Hello you good to have you here reading this article. Firstly, I'm ebube a lover of God,an information marketer, affilate marketer,blogger and an online entrepreneur. Do yourself a favor by reading this article to the end and I assure you that you won't regret doing so. As you might have acknowledged that we are now in the digital era whereby the world we know and live in is now getting digitalized on a daily basis. Now you can't live and enjoy the digital era if your mindset is not yet tuned with the digital world. WHAT DO I MEAN ???? I mean that for example you cannot operate a modernized vehicle if you haven't read the manual on how to operate it. For you to enjoy this digital era,you have to become digitally equipped. As the saying goes "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER" NOW YOU ASK YOURSELF HOW CAN I BECOME DIGITALLY EQUIPPED ??? Simple the answer is to learn a digital skill. Now this digital skills are needed for you to fit into the digital world. WHAT ARE...